After the creation of development environment your setup fulfills the Shopware 6 requirements. If you choose to local installation follow these steps to install Shopware 6 in Ubuntu.


Per default the development template has shopware/platform in the version dev-master as requirement in its composer.json file. This always corresponds to the latest commit on the master branch on GitHub.

# Clone the development template
$ git clone
$ cd development

#Clone the platform code manually
$ rm -rf platform
$ git clone

Normally, Shopware platform code would be placed into a vendor/shopware/platform directory where you don’t want to change any code. Thus we’ve cloned platform manually to work with code itself. Otherwise IDEs would have prevent you for changing any code in the vendor directory.

Local Installation

First up we need to setup Apache to locate Shopware 6. You should add a vhost to your Apache site configuration that looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName "HOST_NAME"
   DocumentRoot _DEVELOPMENT_DIR_/public

   <Directory _DEVELOPMENT_DIR_>
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
      AllowOverride All
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all

   ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.error.log
   CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.access.log combined
   LogLevel debug

Please remember to replace _DEVELOPMENT_DIR_ and _HOST_NAME_ with your preferences respectively and add the corresponding entry to your /etc/hosts file.

# Restart the apache2 server
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

After a quick restart of apache you are done here.

# Invoke a simple CLI installation wizard
$ bin/setup

This is the by far more complex installation solution since additional or changed system requirements need to be managed by you. If you are comfortable with Docker, please refer to Shopware 6 Docker Installation.

Have fun!


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